Linnaeus NG is the web-based management system for species information developed and maintained by Naturalis Biodiversity Center. It allows you to collect a wide variety of information about taxa. It allows users to create their own website for managing, organizing and publishing data in various ways.
- Aetideidae of the World Ocean
- Agromyzidae of the World
- Bats of India
- Bird Remains Identification System
- Birds of Europe 3.1
- Braconidae - An illustrated key to all subfamilies
- Butterflies of Europe
- Catalogue of Palaearctic Heteroptera
- Chironomidae Exuviae
- Chironomidae Larvae
- Crabs of Japan
- Cyperaceae of Ghana
- Dagvlinders van Europa
- Davalliacea 1, a family of Old World (sub-)tropical ferns
- De Interactieve Duikgids, Nederland onder water gezien
- Decapodos de Chile
- Diaspididae of the World 2.0
- Dutch Caribbean Species Register
- Euphausiids of the World Ocean
- Eurasian Tortricidae 2.0
- European Limnofauna
- Fish eggs and larvae from AMW
- Fishes of the Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
- Flora Arbórea de Chile
- Flora Malesiana - Caesalpinioideae
- Flora Malesiana - Chaetocarpus castanocarpus
- Flora Malesiana: Orchids of New Guinea
- Flora of the Burren and Southeast Connemara
- Freshwater Oligochaeta of North-West Europe 1.0
- Gramineae of Cameroon
- Gramineae of North and West Tropical Africa (NWTA)
- Grasshoppers of Europe
- Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates
- Insecten van Europa
- Interactieve paddenstoelengids
- Interactive Guide to Caribbean Diving
- Interactive Guide to Mushrooms and other fungi
- Lemurs of Madagascar and the Comoros
- Libellenlarven van Nederland
- Lithocolletinae of North-West Europe
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Anthozoa
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Brachiopoda
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Crustacea
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Echinodermata
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Miscellaneous worms
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Mollusca
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Nemertina
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Platyhelminthes
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Polychaeta
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Pycnogonida
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Sipuncula
- Macrobenthos of the North Sea - Tunicata
- Malesian Butterflies
- Marine Lobsters of the World
- Marine Mammals of the World
- Marine Planarians of the World
- Marine Planktonic Ostracods
- Mormyridae (Osteoglossomorpha)
- Nederlands Soortenregister
- North Australian Sea Cucumbers
- Orchids of the Philippines 2.0
- Otoliths of North Sea Fish 1.0
- Pelagic Molluscs 2.0
- Plant Resources of South-East Asia, Bamboos
- Reef Corals of the Indo-Malayan Seas
- Reptielen & amfibieën van Nederland
- Reptiles and Amphibians of the British Isles
- Sharks of the World
- Sleutel voor uitgebloeide orchideeën van Nederland en België
- Soortzoekers Nederlandse biodiversiteit
- Southeast Asian Flowering Plants / Malesian Seed Plants
- Sponges of the NE Atlantic
- Tetrastichinae
- Turtles of the World
- Useful Plants - An Introduction to Economic Botany
- Vogels van Europa
- Zoetwatervissen van Nederland
- Zooplankton and Micronekton of the North Sea
- Zooplankton of the South Atlantic Ocean