Revision [246]
This is an old revision of Glossary made by LngWikiAdmin on 2016-04-25 14:53:46.
The Glossary holds definitions for technical and/or scientific terms used in your project and contains one page for each term.Editing glossary term
On this page you can edit the texts of the different pages of the Glossary. Click on the "next" and "previous" buttons in the Glossary window to leaf through the pages, or click on "Contents" to see the list of pages and jump to any of them. Along the top of the Glossary window is an A-Z bar. Click on a letter to jump to the first term starting with that letter. You can also enter text in "Type to find" to get a pop-up of terms containing this text.You can change the name of the current term in the "Term"-box. "Alternative forms": add form (alternative forms are also linked to this lemma by the hotwords-function).
To assign multimedia files to a term, choose “Edit multimedia” at the bottom of the page. This opens the Multimedia page, where you can add or remove multimedia.
When you made changes on the actual page, click "save" first before going to the next page. If you want to have a look on how the page is going to appear in the view-mode, click "save and preview".
Add another page to the Glossary by choosing “Create new”. Click "delete" to delete a term.
New glossary term
On this page you can create a new term. You can enter the name of the new term in the "Term"-box and give the definition of the term in the text-field. "Alternative forms": add form (alternative forms are also linked to this lemma by the hotwords-function). To assign multimedia files to a term, choose “Edit Multimedia” at the bottom of the page. This opens the Multimedia page, where you can add or remove multimedia.Before leaving the page, click "save". If you want to have a look on how the page is going to appear in the view-mode, click "save and preview".
New media
Browsing glossary
This page shows an automatic generated list of the different terms in the Glossary. You can jump to a page by clicking on its name. Along the top of the page is an A-Z bar. Click on a letter to jump to the first term starting with that letter.LinnaeusAdminPages