Revision history for InterfaceTexts

Revision [786]

Last edited on 2018-06-14 11:29:46 by LngWikiAdmin
======Interface Texts (Sysadmin only)======
======Interface Texts======

Revision [647]

Edited on 2016-08-22 11:05:24 by LngWikiAdmin
**Before applying for your own site you can experiment with all the available functions of this module in the LNG Sandboxes:**

Revision [631]

Edited on 2016-08-22 10:52:19 by LngWikiAdmin
**Before applying for your own site you can experiment with all the available functions of this module in the LNG Sandboxes:**

Revision [427]

Edited on 2016-06-28 12:20:03 by LngWikiAdmin
Words/ terms are automatically added to this list when they are put in the code of the program (by the programmers). To translate a term double-click in the second column on the cell you want to put or edit the translation. A textfield will appear where you can type the translation. To save, click enter.

Revision [426]

Edited on 2016-06-28 11:14:39 by LngWikiAdmin
Clicking the red "x" at the end of each line will delete the tag and all its translations!!!!!
Clicking the red "x" at the end of each line will delete the tag and all its translation!!!!!

Revision [425]

Edited on 2016-06-28 11:14:01 by LngWikiAdmin
Clicking the red "x" at the end of each line will delete the tag and all its translation!!!!!

Revision [424]

Edited on 2016-06-28 11:11:15 by LngWikiAdmin
On this page you see a list of the interface texts used in all the different modules. For "Environment" you can choose between "admin" (back-end) and "app" (front-end). For "Language" you can only choose English at the moment.
As the original tags are in English, they do not require translating, but if you do specify a translation, it will overrule the original tag.

Revision [160]

Edited on 2016-04-18 14:10:02 by WikkaWikiSystem

No Differences

Revision [134]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2016-04-18 14:07:41 by LngWikiAdmin
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