Wiki source for Literature
The Literature module contains literature references for your project. If there are already references in your project you can see an A-Z bar along the top of the page listing the first letters of available references or authors. Click a letter to open a list with references or authors starting with that letter. Or find a reference by typing in the "Search by title" or "Search by author" box. Clicking a name opens the editing page of a reference.
At the bottom of the page you can jump to the options "new reference", "bulk upload & matching" or "publication types".
====Edit reference====
On this page you can edit or delete a reference.
At the bottom of the page you can examine which taxa, persons/organisations or traits are linked to this reference by clicking on "Linked taxa", "Linked names" or "Linked traits". If there are no links yet, you see stated "no links". To link taxa click "add" behind 'link to taxa'. You can't remove links from here. To remove taxon links go to the Taxon editor module. For links to persons or organisations go to the Actors module, for links to traits go the Traits module.
When you made changes click "save" before leaving the page. To remove a reference click "delete reference".
====New reference====
On this page you can add a new reference to the project. You can add a new verbatim author or link an author from the Actors module by clicking "add author" next to "author(s)". You can then choose an author from a list of authors already present in the Actors module. When you want to add an author this way which is not present in the Actors module yet, go to the Actors module and add the new author there first.
At the bottom of the page of the newly added reference you see stated "(no links)". To link taxa click "add" behind 'link to taxa'. For links to persons or organisations go to the Actors module, for links to traits go the Traits module.
After editing click "save" before leaving the page.
====Bulk upload (matching)====
On this page you can upload raw reference data in bulk. TAB separated, like copy/pasted excel cells. Be sure to use legal publication types (use the system labels, not the translations):
Book (part)
Press release
Personal communication
Web site
First prepare an excel file, one line for each reference. Copy the lines with references you want to upload and paste them in the text-box. When you copy-pasted the header line also check "first line has titles". Click "parse".
You now see the data from your spreadsheet presented in a series of columns. Per column you can specify to which field you want to map the data for that column. Default "ignore" is set. Choose author and title columns to try match (date/year is not required, but might help).
When you want to remove a column from the import click "remove column" on top of it.
====Publication types====
On this page you can add or delete publication types or edit the translations of existing ones. After editing click "save" before leaving the page.
Publication types can't be removed as long as there are references of this type in the project.
The Literature module contains literature references for your project. If there are already references in your project you can see an A-Z bar along the top of the page listing the first letters of available references or authors. Click a letter to open a list with references or authors starting with that letter. Or find a reference by typing in the "Search by title" or "Search by author" box. Clicking a name opens the editing page of a reference.
At the bottom of the page you can jump to the options "new reference", "bulk upload & matching" or "publication types".
====Edit reference====
On this page you can edit or delete a reference.
At the bottom of the page you can examine which taxa, persons/organisations or traits are linked to this reference by clicking on "Linked taxa", "Linked names" or "Linked traits". If there are no links yet, you see stated "no links". To link taxa click "add" behind 'link to taxa'. You can't remove links from here. To remove taxon links go to the Taxon editor module. For links to persons or organisations go to the Actors module, for links to traits go the Traits module.
When you made changes click "save" before leaving the page. To remove a reference click "delete reference".
====New reference====
On this page you can add a new reference to the project. You can add a new verbatim author or link an author from the Actors module by clicking "add author" next to "author(s)". You can then choose an author from a list of authors already present in the Actors module. When you want to add an author this way which is not present in the Actors module yet, go to the Actors module and add the new author there first.
At the bottom of the page of the newly added reference you see stated "(no links)". To link taxa click "add" behind 'link to taxa'. For links to persons or organisations go to the Actors module, for links to traits go the Traits module.
After editing click "save" before leaving the page.
====Bulk upload (matching)====
On this page you can upload raw reference data in bulk. TAB separated, like copy/pasted excel cells. Be sure to use legal publication types (use the system labels, not the translations):
Book (part)
Press release
Personal communication
Web site
First prepare an excel file, one line for each reference. Copy the lines with references you want to upload and paste them in the text-box. When you copy-pasted the header line also check "first line has titles". Click "parse".
You now see the data from your spreadsheet presented in a series of columns. Per column you can specify to which field you want to map the data for that column. Default "ignore" is set. Choose author and title columns to try match (date/year is not required, but might help).
When you want to remove a column from the import click "remove column" on top of it.
====Publication types====
On this page you can add or delete publication types or edit the translations of existing ones. After editing click "save" before leaving the page.
Publication types can't be removed as long as there are references of this type in the project.