Revision [878]
This is an old revision of UserManagement made by LngWikiAdmin on 2019-07-12 10:39:30.
User Management
On this page you can assign collaborators to the project.Project collaborators
This page shows a list of the collaborators currently involved in the project. To add a new collaborator click "create new user" at the bottom of the page. To edit a collaborator click "view" behind its name.When you click "remove from project" the collaborator will be detached from the project and will appear in a list "Users currently not assigned to...". (They always can be reactivated by clicking "add to project").
Project collaborator data
On this page you see all the data related to a collaborator: name and email, the Project role, the modules he/she has access to (and with which rights) and if the access to the project is restricted to a specific taxonomic group. To edit click "edit" at the bottom of the page.Create new user
On this page you can add a new collaborator. Enter a username, password (between 8 and 32 characters), etc. and set a Project role (Lead expert or Editor). You also can check "yes" or "no" for 'Can publish'. Check the modules and rights you wish to assign to this user. If you want to assign a specific taxon group click "add" behind "Taxa:" at the bottom of the page and choose the proper taxon group.Edit project collaborator
On this page you can edit all the data related to a collaborator like password, Project role, the modules and rights you wish to assign to this person. Also you can restrict the rights to a specific taxonomic group by clicking "add" behind 'Taxa:' and choose the proper taxon group.Removing user
When you click "remove from project" the collaborator will be detached from the project and will appear in the list "Users currently not assigned to...". (They always can be reactivated by clicking "add to project").Note: you cannot remove a System administrator.