Revision [261]

This is an old revision of Utilities made by LngWikiAdmin on 2016-04-26 12:15:41.


Mass upload images

This function allows allows you to upload files to your projects media directory, including mutiple files within a ZIP-file.

Choose a file to upload: Click "Choose File"

How to handle files that already exist, choose from these options:
- overwrite (when file exists, overwrite it)
- rename (when file exists, rename new file to "file (1)" and upload)
- skip (don't upload files that already exist)
(the application only checks for the same filename and does not look at any other attributes)

Click "upload" to start the upload, click "back" to go back to the Project overview page

Current server-limited maximum on file uploads: 2MB

Allowed MIME-types
Files of the following MIME-types are allowed:

- image/png (PNG image; max. 1M per file)
- image/jpg (JPG image; max. 1M per file)
- image/jpeg (JPG image; max. 1M per file)
- image/gif (GIF image; max. 1M per file)
- video/h264 (h.264 movie; max. 50M per file)
- video/quicktime (Quicktime; max. 50M per file)
- audio/mpeg (mp3; max. 10M per file)
- application/zip (ZIP-file; max. 50M per file; see below for information on uploading archives)
- image/tiff (TIFF image; max. 2M per file)
- application/pdf (PDF document; max. 2M per file)

Overwriting and identical file names
All uploaded files are assigned unique file names, so there is no danger of accidentally overwriting an existing file. The original file names are retained in the project database and shown in the media management screens.

Uploading multiple files at once
In the current HTML-specification there are no cross-broswer possibilities for the uploading of multiple files at once without resorting to Flash or Java. Despite this limitation, you can upload several images at once by adding them to a ZIP-archive and uploading that file. The application will unpack the ZIP-file and store the separate files contained within. To the files within a ZIP-file the same limitations with regards to format and size apply as to files that are uploaded normally.

Temporary alternative
Drag & drop files below. Be aware: same limitations in regards to size and format apply, but you won't get any feedback when they are enforced. You can drag & drop multiple files at once, though.
Wait for the upload of all dropped files to finish before leaving this page; take care, progress bars and status icons appear as overlays and can be a little tricky to see against a white background.
Not sure whether there is a limit on the number of files you can drop at once, but circa 200 files in one drop seemed to work fine.
This uploader never overwrites, always makes a new copy of a duplicate file by adding "(1)" etc. To avoid duplicates, delete old file first via the "browse page". That page also includes an option to delete all files in the project media directory with one action.
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